I: help run the baddest millennial business girl gang on the internet @BossBabe.inc
I'm a: Aries/Taurus
I live in: Berkeley, California but I'm leaving very soon
My fav spot in LA is: my best friend's mom's house
A brand I'm really diggin right now is: Tai Lopez
I think the babe with the best style is: Zoe Saldana
Song I can't get out of my head today is: New York, New York by Frank Sinatra
What inspired her to start:
I'm inspired very much by our culture. We are living in crazy times where most of our world is access through screens. I am inspired by people who I see making positive changes using social media. I'm also inspired by people who don't let odds or probabilities get to them. If you know some people how go after their dreams no matter how flooded the market they are in is, stick by them because those people are thinking in abundance mentality and that will help you to start thinking like that as well.
Her advice to you:
What I've noticed that has inspired me the most on this journey and has gotten me this far is to be open minded.
Read a lot of books, contact a lot of people, be open about who you are. Don't get distracted in what other
people are doing, don't hang out with people who bring you down or make you feel bad for dreaming.
P.S. Have you joined the BossBabe Netwerk yet? It's a community of baddies to network with, tons of content made for young female bosses and more! Read more here.
For more from Alexandra and her team, go to www.BossBabe.me
XO, @HasAlexandra_