I'm a: DJ/Producer/Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Photo Retoucher/Videographer/Director
I'm a: Pisces
I live in: Franklin Villiage
My fav spot in LA is: LIL DEATH
A brand I'm really diggin right now is: UNIF, Reformation, NastyGal, EvilTwin, Deandri, LipService
I think the babe with the best style is: BabyAlmondEyes @wifislilangel
Song I can't get out of my head today is: не знал by бичкрафт
What inspired her to start:
I didn’t really think about it... When I lived in Puerto Rico, I knew I wanted to get out of there and explore more of the world. One thing led to another. I moved to Miami then LA and I evolved into who I am today. The person I’ve become is not the same person I was when I lived in Puerto Rico. I moved when I was 19, I was very young and barely spoke English. I had to learn to live in a bigger city like Miami, since Puerto Rico is very small. I moved out of there by myself and had never been on my own before.
When I moved to Miami, I became friends with a lot of DJs and they inspired me to learn, not because I wanted to make money out of it or become a DJ, but because I like learning new things. I picked it up quickly and I kept doing at home just for fun. Suddenly, people who threw parties were asking me, “Do you wanna DJ here?” and I was like, “Sure!” It eventually became a job, then I started traveling a lot. I didn’t become a DJ on purpose, it just kind of happened. Back then, there was no Instagram, no Facebook, no Twitter. I guess it was more difficult to find [girl DJs] because the Internet wasn’t what it is today. There were no digital programs or computers to DJ. I learned on vinyl and stayed on it for the first 4-5 years I was DJing. Back then being a DJ was a little bit more exciting and something you can be proud of. Now, it’s seems like everyone can be a DJ since technology makes it easier.
Before that, when I was in Puerto Rico (I was 17), I started downloading a lot of software programs for my computer like Photoshop and Front Page. As soon as I would get home from high school I would just start playing with them... I would have the friends (in Puerto Rico) who were photographers, we would do photoshoots and they'd give me the pictures so I can learn Photoshop. I never stopped after that. I kept learning everyday, downloading the new updates, and from there I started becoming interested in illustration. I taught myself how to illustrate through Photoshop. I didn’t have a tablet so I was very slow. Then my boyfriend got me tablet for Christmas and I started making poster illustrations a day after. From there, I transitioned to Illustrator, which is what I use to do illustrations today.
I recently started becoming interested in video because of LIL DEATH. LIL DEATH has a very Internet-y brand identity, so we always try to find ways to promote the event that way. One of the ideas that I had when Instagram started doing videos, was creating video flyers, on top of the flyers we already have. My idea was to do Anime videos, because I watch lots of it! I learned how to create 15-second videos, then from there, I wanted to shoot videos myself… along the lines of lookbooks and editorials - fashion stuff. I’m always on Vimeo & Tumblr looking at things that inspire me. Vimeo accounts of fashion magazines post videos from their photoshoots, so I just thought, "I kinda know how to edit videos and I have ideas of scenes I want to shoot…" Then I started jumping into my friends photoshoots doing videos. Now I’m doing videos for different clothing brands and magazines. I’m still learning, but I try to do the best I can. As far as the things that I do, as long as it’s creative and inspiring - I just do it. And if I don’t know how to do it... I learn it like that *snaps.*
Her advice to you:
I can tell you examples of what not to do: Don’t rely on other people, don’t rely on your looks if you happen to be good-looking or pretty. Don’t think that just because you’re cute, you don’t have to work hard and can get whatever you want. Especially in the industry that I am in, the club industry, many girls are like that. I don’t see a lot of women who are doing their own thing, on their own terms. There’s a very small amount of girls who are really rad, do what they love and don’t rely on anybody else. Looks fade eventually. It’s a really cool combination when you’re not only cute but you do a lot of amazing/impressive things with your life.
As far as what to do, be passionate about what it is that inspires you and you’ll always get better.